Tablets for Schools is a charity that commissions the largest independent research programme in the world on how tablets impact learning and attainment. The latest report summarises findings from an ...
Why is art, craft and design education so vital to our culture, our society, our economy and ourselves? The reasons are myriad, meaningful, complex and fiscal says Lesley Butterworth of the National ...
The adoption of tablet technology in schools has not always come with positive news. As we move from the ‘innovators’ into the ‘early adopter’ phase of the technology adoption life-cycle, we are ...
With children spending over eight hours of the school week outside, and with hot weather that we are awaiting this summer, the exposure to UV radiation should be a concern to both parents and teachers ...
To close the STEM skills gap, there is a significant role for businesses and schools to link activities to give young people an insight into STEM industries. Julie Feest, CEO of the Engineering ...