美国国务院负责管理与资源的副国务卿理查德·维尔马(Richard Verma)在哈德逊研究所(Hudson Institute)发表讲话时说:“现在正是评估美印关系现状的好时机。我们取得的进展现在已经进入了大约四分之一世纪,这种进展在几十年前是不可想象的。” 美国常驻联合国 ...
以下是一篇反映美国政府政策立场的社论: 美国常驻联合国代表琳达·托马斯-格林菲尔德(Linda Thomas-Greenfield)大使在对外交关系协会的讲话中表示:“世界只会继续发展和变化。因此,(联合国)显然也应该再次发展和变化。” 托马斯·格林菲尔德大使强调,改革的 ...
以下是一篇反映美国政府政策立场的社论: 美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)最近访问伦敦,会晤了英国外交大臣戴维·拉米(David Lammy),讨论两国共同的外交政策优先事项。 布林肯国务卿说,其中一个主要优先事项是继续支持乌克兰。 “我们共同努力确保 ...
以下是一篇反映美国政府政策立场的社论: 美国对巴基斯坦宗教自由受到的威胁感到关切。美国国际发展署(USAID)副助理署长安加利·考尔(Änjali Kaur)在美国国际宗教自由委员会(USCIRF)的一个会议上说,宗教自由“与表达、结社、旅行和集会自由深深相连在一起。” ...
Children are dying, suffering from preventable illnesses, missing school. Thousands have lost parents, relatives, teachers, ...
The United States and our allies are taking concerted action in response to Iran’s reckless decision to proliferate ballistic ...
Trong số các cá nhân và tổ chức bị trừng phạt có các thực thể ở một số nước thứ ba, bao gồm Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa và một loạt các thực thể Trung Quốc giao dịch với chính phủ Nga. Hoa Kỳ, các ...
"China wants to be seen as a member of the world that has a set of rules and enforces it, but whenever they do things like ...
"For years, countries have been calling for a more inclusive and a more representative Council ... and better responds to the ...
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For the sake of “the integrity of the international non-proliferation architecture and ultimately global security,” said a ...
"The fastest way towards peace is for Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine and for it to stop its aerial assault," said ...