美国密西西比州立大学的研究人员在野生果蝇筛检时,偶然发现果蝇腹中竟然寄生着黄蜂的卵,等到孵化成幼虫后,就像电影《异形》一样,会活活撑爆宿主身体,相关研究近日发表于 《自然》 期刊上。
To determine the affect of deleterious mutations for colonies under the the following 2 catergories: ‘Enforced Monogamy’ and ‘Enhanced Polyandry’ (P) consisting of 1 female with 6 males.
反正总的来说,它们的存在就象征和意味着“不干净”。 当然,并不是所有苍蝇都很脏,也有不喜欢盯着排泄物的果蝇,比如拟暗果蝇(D.pseudoobscura),这种苍蝇对粪便无感,只喜欢吃腐败发酵的水果。 家蝇 我们常见的苍蝇叫“家蝇”(Musca ...
export REF=/data/users/liaoy12/liaoy12/Pseudoobscura/Contigs/FINAL/dpse.pilon.rnd3.fasta bwa mem -t $NSLOTS -A1 -B4 -E50 -L0 $REF /data/users/liaoy12/liaoy12 ...
What are ways species exchange genes with each other? Hybridization and gene flow are shortcuts to biodiversity that don’t always involve differentiation. By continuing to study hybridizing ...
Thousands of small Open Reading Frames (smORFs) with the potential to encode small peptides of fewer than 100 amino acids exist in our genomes. However, the number of smORFs actually translated, and ...
The reports of extensive allozyme polymorphism in D pseudoobscura heralded a new era in population genetics. In essence, a biochemical method was used to identify protein variants segregating at ...
A combination of methods, including a new method for tagging genes, demonstrates that the chemosensory co-receptors of Drosophila melanogaster (Orco, IR8a, IR25a, IR76b) are expressed widely and ...
I have obtained research funding of over £1.4 million from sources including NERC, National Geographic, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Antarctica New Zealand, and the ...
Alexandrov, I.D. Mutation isoalleles or modification of frequencies of radiation induced viable point mutations by attendant chromosome rearrangements in D. melanogaster? Benedik, J. Viability and ...
Rasmussen, Sophie Lund Berg, Thomas B. Martens, Helle Jakobe and Jones, Owen R. 2023. Anyone Can Get Old—All You Have to Do Is Live Long Enough: Understanding Mortality and Life Expectancy in European ...