The study's authors noted that "Acceptance in this context refers to the ability to experience events fully, without resorting to either extreme of excessive preoccupation with, or suppression of ...
Insatiable desire, preoccupation, and uncontrollable urges. The fast thrill and the need to keep upping the ante to feel the fireworks. An inability to stop, despite promises and resolve.
Paraphilias can center on particular objects (children, animals, underwear) or behaviors (inflicting pain, exposing oneself) but are characterized by sexual preoccupation to the point of dependency.
Preoccupation with thoughts or memories of the deceased person (in children and adolescents, preoccupation may focus on the circumstances of the death). Since the death, at least three of the ...
以记者所居住的布鲁塞尔于克勒区为例,该区从2022年起就开展了向居民赠送攀缘植物的活动。按照要求,这些植物必须种植在房屋朝向大街的一面。于克勒区绿化服务队向居民提供了5个植被 ...
据说,1956年春末夏初的一天,12岁的小女孩王聪美在放牛回家的路上,正蹦蹦跶跶地往家走,这时突然窜出来一个人形一样的东西向她扑来,本能的 ...