The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) on Saturday launched India’s first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal to ...
The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) has launched India's first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal which provides ...
The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) has introduced India's first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal. This pioneering platform offers open access to clinically correlated data from Indian ...
The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) has launched India's first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal. This ...
The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) has introduced a groundbreaking cancer multi-omics data portal, providing open access ...
研究通过修改版DE-SWAN算法,分析了人类衰老过程中多组学数据的变化,发现了两个主要的分子变化峰值,分别出现在44岁和60岁左右。这些峰值在多个组学数据中表现出一致的模式,并与之前的研究结果一致,表明衰老过程中的重要转折点。分析显示,与心血管疾病、 ...
In a recent study published in Nature Communications, researchers utilized a comprehensive multi-omics approach, integrating ...
每经AI快讯,华大智造官微消息,日前,华大智造在香港、深圳两地举办了2024 Omics前沿大会。在香港会场,华大智造面向全球推出一款由αLab孕育孵化的AI大模型产品αLab ...
Historically, cancer treatments in India have been based on Western data sets. However, cancers in Indian patients can differ significantly at the molecular level. ICGA's mission is to create ...
Lifera, a biopharma company wholly owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), launched in 2023, is scaling up its subsidiary ...
慢阻肺病与哮喘既有共性,又有区别,临床上常需对两者进行鉴别诊断。本次会议上一项系统评价评估了临时呼气峰流量(PF)值诊断哮喘的准确性,共纳入12项研究,其中5项与职业性哮喘(OA)相关。结果显示,所有研究中PF诊断哮喘的敏感性中位数为0.54(范围: ...