Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Limnology and Oceanography Vol. 54, No. 5, Sep., 2009 Across Margin Export of Organic Matter b... We ...
Mean bacterial genome size, GC content, total number of tRNA genes, total number of rRNA genes, and codon usage bias in ribosomal protein sequences were all higher in the fertilized treatment, as ...
Progress in the culturing of microorganisms that are important to ocean ecology has recently accelerated, and technology has been a factor in these advances. However, rather than a single ...
The world’s oceans and seas are changing rapidly due to several natural and anthropogenic reasons. Among these, the largest and likely most threatening to marine life being the climate crisis and ...
The Early Bartonian Reneiche/Siouf member is one of the primary conventional carbonate oil/gas reservoirs to be assessed in Tunisia that demands detailed evaluation. Accurate zonation and modeling of ...
Tropical oceans, in general, can be considered “blue deserts”, or areas of low productivity and biomass, but high planktonic diversity (LONGHURST; PAULY ...
Abstract Measurements of the marine carbonate system on tropical and subtropical continental margins are poorly distributed in space and time, with many uncertainties persisting regarding the role of ...