keff敏感性分析采用反复裂变几率法,可以用在传统的幂迭代方法以及超历史方法。广义敏感性分析采用碰撞历史法、GEAR-MC方法和新GPT公式法。如果需要进行不确定度计算,需要先执行敏感性计算。需要协方差索引文件“covdir”,以及covdir目录中指向的协方差 ...
This is a hands-on training course that will provide instruction on best practices for modeling and simulations with SCALE of nuclide inventories and decay heat in LWR spent nuclear fuel. The course ...
React Native Awesome 汇集了各类react-native学习资料、工具、组件、开源App、资源下载、以及相关新闻等,只求精不求全。 如果你是一名React Native爱好者,或者有一颗热爱钻研新技术的心,喜欢分享技术干货、项目经验、以及你在React Naive学习研究或实践中的一些经验 ...
LiveChart is an interactive chart that presents the nuclear structure and decay properties of all known nuclides through a user-friendly graphical interface. Most of the accessible data are taken from ...
New research reveals unique two-proton decay in 18Mg, impacting nuclear physics theories and applications. A team of ...
PREVIOUS investigators have failed to record any fine structures in the spectra of tin 1. By the use of a Fabry-Perot interferometer I have examined the spectrum of Sn II emitted by a hollow ...
The Cosmic Ray Isotopes Sciences at Dalhousie (CRISDal) Lab is one of three facilities in Canada that are currently producing cosmogenic nuclide targets, and one of only four facilities in the world ...
The water has been kept in more than 1,000 tanks after being treated with multi-nuclide removal equipment, known as ALPS. TEPCO built extra tanks in December to hold up to 1.37 million tons at the ...
Scientists from the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz IPHT) and the Universities of Jena and Ulm have shown that the properties of special iron compounds that absorb light can be ...
The number of tanks holding the water after being treated by the ALPS multi-nuclide removal equipment now tops 1,000. TEPCO says the tanks will reach capacity in autumn 2022. Facilities for the ...