The nucleolus is a prominent nuclear domain that is common to eukaryotes. Since the nucleolus was first described in the 1830s, its identity had remained a mystery for longer than 100 years. Major ...
"PQBP3 typically localizes around the periphery of the nucleolus within the nucleus, but during senescence, PQBP3 relocated from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm or cytoplasm," says Prof.
In interphase cells, FRG1P is localised in the dense structures of the nucleolus, in Cajal bodies, and in 60–80% of cells in nuclear speckles. A time course study revealed that FRG1P accumulates in ...
Medaka fish that lacked functional Hmgn2 genes were unable to distinguish between simple shapes, revealing a new function for ...
On the other hand, we determine the nucleolus allocation as well, by exploiting fully the so-called 1-convexity property for these service cost savings games. Moreover, this significant property ...
A concept for solution of a game called a nucleolus and its alternative forms are derived, and a two-layer hierarchical system for the evaluation is constructed. At the first layer, the concept of the ...
We find that DNA damage also generates nuclear actin filaments—detectable by phalloidin and live-cell actin probes—with three characteristic morphologies: (i) long, nucleoplasmic filaments; (ii) short ...
If you have extra time, San Cristóbal Hill (Cerro San Cristóbal) is worthwhile. San Cristóbal Hill (Cerro San Cristóbal) stands nearly 3,000 feet above the rest of Metropolitan Park, a large ...
"The most striking difference was the presence of oHmgn2 in the nucleolus, the region in the nucleus where transcription from DNA to RNA occurs," Yokoi elaborates. "oHmgn2 is predicted to have a ...