The study also pointed out that galectins, located on the spike protein of the virus, are an excellent target for drugs because it doesn't change much, making it easier to stop the virus from ...
The Department of Chemistry in the McCoy College of Science, Mathematics & Engineering received a $75,000 grant from the ...
A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg, Germany, and ...
In a recent study, researchers explored the use of solid-state DNP-NMR to analyze insoluble polymers like cross-linked ...
The importance of disorder in physics is only matched by the difficulty to study it. For example, the remarkable properties of high-temperature superconductors are greatly affected by variations in ...
1. 为什么吃了火龙果便便会变红? 发现尿液或者粪便变红,总是让人联想到血尿或是血便,然后就是怀疑自己得了什么不治之症,恨不得立刻冲到医院来个全身体检。 其实……这可能只是因为你刚刚吃下一只红心火龙果。
Researchers from KIT and Voxalytic GmbH have developed a new method that simplifies the process of mapping the spatial ...
Long-duration energy storage gets the spotlight in a new Energy Storage Research Alliance featuring PNNL innovations, like a ...
Using terahertz pulse technology, researchers have found a way to examine disorder in superconductors close to their critical ...
Glycans play an important role in modulating the interactions between natural killer cells and antibodies to fight pathogens and harmful cells.
In this interview, AZoM talks to Philippe Wilson about benchtop NMR and its role in different fields, focusing on its main use in biofluid analysis.