But how does he feel about this housing bill, or that school integration busing scheme, or about napalming villages in South Vietnam, or about what percentage of the American tax dollar should go ...
D.C. They were marching not in favor of a North Vietnamese victory but rather against US bombers napalming villages and against sending Americans barely out of boyhood to fight and die.
What does matter is napalming the holy hell out of the other side, whether by punching Nazis (read: conservatives) or owning the libs. Underlying critical race theory and neo-Keynesianism and so ...
Somehow we in the West thought the age of war was behind us. After nuking Hiroshima, after napalming Vietnam, we had only distaste for the idea and the practice of war. The thought of dying for a ...
it can affect hundreds of miles and become the equivalent of "napalming a forest". He said it had the potential to "extract oxygen at a terrific rate", affecting the "complex web of life" that ...
Colby Itkowitz has covered Washington policy and politics for most of her career. Since coming to the Post in March 2014, she's covered presidential and congressional campaigns, Congress and ...
He also insists that, in time, you won't miss the foods you've eliminated from your diet. "After a couple of weeks of not napalming your taste buds with processed foods, sugars, sodium, flavor ...
Banning books in American classrooms has evolved into a Farenheit451-esque war napalming any book deemed “inappropriate.” MAGA subscribes to a covenant of selfishness, superiority, and shameless ...