Although Japanese spirea is a beautiful shrub, it is considered invasive in many U.S. states. Here are some beautiful, native ...
Destructive winds during storms and cyclones often cause tree failures, especially through uprooting and stem breakage.
我们常说的槐树有两种:国槐(Sophora japonica)和刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia),它们是近缘的“亲戚”,都是豆科高大乔木,长得很像;但在植物分类上国槐是槐属,刺槐是刺槐属。
As the growing season ends, you may think your window to plant bushes and trees has closed. Fret not. Here are some options ...
作者:郑西希北京协和医院临床医师,毕业于协和医学院公众号“西希营养学”创造者。是一个有着一枚吃货的心和一个医生的学术控的医学女博士。在临床工作和生活中遇到很多关于健身、减肥、营养的问题,答案真真假假难以分辨,所以致力于通过微信的平台,用原创的图画和文 ...
A recent study on Cryptomeria japonica plots shows that trees dissipate wind energy by switching between two swaying behaviors at specific wind speeds, offering insights that may help in improved ...
万物复苏的季节,听说大家想去采撷新鲜的野菜?但是,有些野菜可不建议乱采,一旦误采误食,可能就有性命危险。比如水芹,它们就极易与有毒的亲戚们混淆。 清品泉涧旁——水芹 水芹(Oenanthe javanica),伞形科(Apiaceae) ...
Camellia japonica, also known as the Japanese camellia, is a striking ornamental shrub known for its large, beautiful flowers. In my experience, these plants need rich, fertile soils, plenty of ...
Trees can dissipate wind energy during storms by switching between two swaying behaviors at specific wind speeds.
People relax at a park in the ecocity area. [Photo provided to CHINA DAILY] The main tree species in the eco-city include ...