Hydatid disease is a common infection in Mediterranean countries. It is caused by a parasite ’Echinococcus granulosus’, which may affect several organs. Liver and lungs are frequent locations. Primary ...
Humans are the intermediate hosts and acquire the infection by accidentally ingesting dog faeces. Hydatid cyst is usually asymptomatic or can be an incidental finding during radiological workup, the ...
Hydatid disease is a parasitic infestation of humans caused by Echinococcus granulosus. The incidence in pregnancy in endemic areas is approximately 1 in 20 000. Due to the rarity of this condition in ...
Introduction Hydatid disease is a parasitic infection caused by Echinococcus granulosus. It is a major endemic health problem in certain areas of the world. The liver is the site of up to 70% of ...
The tapeworm E.granulosus primarily completes its lifecycle between dogs and sheep, with the intermediate stage in sheep causing hydatid cysts. Humans exposed to tapeworm eggs in dog faeces can ...
A number of methods have been described for the surgical removal of hydatid cysts of the lung. Personal experience of the Barrett technique (Barrett and Thomas, 1952) over a number of years has made ...
aDepartment of Orthopaedics and Spinal Surgery, A Gemelli University Hospital, Catholic University School of Medicine, Rome, Italy bDepartment of Medicine, A Gemelli University Hospital, Catholic ...
C, Cardiac magnetic resonance; an image of the cyst, had a wide attachment to the pericardium (arrow). D, Surgical resection of the cyst. The incidence of cardiac involvement among patients with ...
These lesions are watched and not usually treated. The most interesting liver cysts I have personally seen were a series of hydatid cysts caused by the Echinococcus. The Echinococcus is a parasite.
However, further investigation into socio-environmental factors led to a diagnosis of pulmonary and hepatic hydatid disease. Conclusion: The timely and accurate diagnosis of this infectious disease ...
Despite intensive hydatid control measures in New Zealand, hepatopulmonary fistula resulting from infection by the echinococcus granulosus still occurs. Although the patients may quickly become ...