Numerous interconnecting fissures were present in the dorsal lingual mucosa. The esophagus, forestomachs, abomasum, and intestines were unremarkable. Though the anus was small, it was patent.
Ruminants (e.g. cows, sheep, and deer) are metabolic marvels because of interactions with microbes in their guts. Ruminants have three forestomachs where bacteria and protozoa ferment feed. These ...
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Choat, J. H. and Clements, K. D. 1998. VERTEBRATE HERBIVORES IN MARINE AND TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS: A Nutritional Ecology Perspective. Annual Review of Ecology and ...
In newborn mammals and birds many relevant physiological functions are not fully developped at birth and have thus to mature during the first weeks of life. The gastrointestinal system and its ...
Improving the aerobic stability of silages with microbial and chemical additives Understanding how additives affect the microbiome of silages during fermentation and aerobic spoilage The use of ...