Benign anastomotic strictures after esophagectomy with gastric tube reconstruction occur frequently, even in the absence of risk factors, such as conduit ischemia or anastomotic leaks.
Esophagectomy is an operation that involves removing the part of the esophagus that is associated with a tumor and a "margin" of normal esophagus. Usually, the esophagus is replaced by building a new ...
近日,由河北省预防医学会主办,我院承办的河北省食管癌外科会议暨“中日食管外科学术交流会”在石家庄召开。会议邀请到日本国立癌症中心食管外科主任大幸宏幸(Hiroyuki Daiko)教授作为本次会议讲者和学术讨论嘉宾。我院党委书记单保恩教授线上致开幕 ...
Robotic operations include MIDCAB, mitral valve replacement, mitral valve repair, thymectomy, lobectomy esophagectomy, anti-reflux surgery, and thoracic outlet. Exclusive of MD Anderson, 860 thoracic ...
Innovation in Healthcare Chief of Thoracic Surgery, Chief of Robotic Surgery, and Medical Director of the Lung Cancer ...
Allegedly, she had a secret esophagectomy in June 2013 to implant a medical device in her esophagus, as she had been battling ...
Molecular differences with therapeutic implications in early-onset compared to average-onset cholangiocarcinoma. Jayakrishnan et al. Clinical outcomes of primary esophagectomy and secondary ...