DESCRIPTION: The Arkansas River shiner is a robust, diminutive shiner with a small, dorsally flattened head, a rounded snout, and a small, subterminal mouth. Dorsal coloration tends to be light tan, ...
Airorhynchy - pattern of facial kyphosis in which the face is dorsally oriented relative to the neurobasicranium and the face lies anterior to the anterior cranial base Allometry - changes in the ...
Photographs courtesy of Laurence Baskin, MD. Hypospadias with "hooded prepuce" owing to preputial growth that is excessive dorsally and absent ventrally. Photograph courtesy of M. David Gibbons ...
Spine neurosurgeon Ori Barzilai, MD, collaborates with thoracic, urologic, and gynecologic surgeons to perform minimally invasive robotic resections, which provide patients with shorter hospital stays ...
Expert Rev Neurother. 2013;13(12):1319-1328. The PPN consists of two parts: the pars dissipata, located at the rostrocaudal axis and composed by different neuron subtypes (cholinergic ...
At the level of the umbilicus, the VAV begins to dive dorsally and joins with the hepatic vein. Therefore, the best location at which to attempt venipuncture of the VAV is at or just proximal to ...