Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Daedalus Vol. 146, No. 3, Summer 2017 Twelve Key Findings in Deliberative Demo... This essay ...
Blame the abrupt nature of her rise to the top of the ticket or the fundamental nature of the vice presidency, but Kamala ...
The drafts were written to explain the limits of a president’s ability to go after rivals, invoking legal and constitutional factors and political norms.
Instead of competing with one another, advocates of different democratic processes should build bridges, and share a common ...
人工智能工具的兴起虽有望带来诸多益处,但部署它们所伴随的风险也需得到重视。2024年1月,《Nature》旗下唯一面向人文社会科学的期刊《人文社科通讯》(Humanities & Social Sciences ...
在IJCAI 2024上,昆仑万维2050研究院安波教授受邀进行了主旨为《From Algorithmic and RL-based to LLM-powered ...
To deliberate or to disclose? That is also the question that has vexed Freedom of Information (FOI) decision-makers since the ...
Because empathy can allow people to connect across political, racial and economic divides, it lays a foundation for acts of ...
Kagan said she understood both sides. On one hand, she said, an appeal via the typical route could take years to make its way to the Supreme Court, leaving a policy in limbo. “On the other hand,” ...
House Speaker Mike Johnson was forced to pull the six-month stopgap continuing appropriations bill due to lack of votes, ...
New global research reveals widespread difficulties faced by most individuals in making all kinds of choices, but also a ...
If democracy is going to flourish on this planet, its practitioners must be members of the same team. Unfortunately, global ...