In addition, at least two types of single photon-evoked events (bumps) and three elementary channel conductances are observed in this photoreceptor cell. These findings suggest that the receptor ...
The Arizona State–Columbia–Oak Ridge team studied over 50 different samples, and although the diameters of the nanotubes ranged only between ∼1.0 nm and 3.7 nm, the ionic conductances that ...
The squid axon offered technical advantages due to its size and relative simplicity, with only two types of voltage-gated conductances. Second, the H-H model introduced the power of computers for ...
On définit un régime permanent (ou stationnaire) quand les températures ne dépendent pas du temps. La température ne dépend plus que de la disposition du point où l'on effectue la mesure et plus du ...
A new branch of research is the measurement of conductances in quantum gases, where he and his team demonstrated the equivalent of the thermoelectric effect and observed for the first time quantized ...
This valuable work analyzes how specialized cells in the auditory cells, known as the octopus cells, can detect coincidences in their inputs at the submillisecond time scale. While previous work ...
Les engins spatiaux (satellites et sondes) sont soumis à des contraintes environnementales sévères du point de vue thermique. La conception des systèmes de contrôle thermique. ainsi que les ...
However, the cellular mechanisms by which MC4R regulates reproduction are unknown. Kiss1 neurons directly stimulate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release through two distinct populations; the ...