With the existing international cooperation agreements now lapsing, the Geneva-based organization is expected to expel hundreds of scientists on November 30 affiliated with Russian institutions, ...
The researchers will lose their access to CERN, which operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, by ...
The laboratory has ended its agreement with the nation, but will continue working with a Russian nuclear-research institute, ...
CERN is turning 70 this month. A good occasion to look at their plans for building a particle collider even bigger than the Large Hadron Colider, the ...
In 2022, physicists were excited by hints that something was wrong with our understanding of the universe - but new results ...
The CMS experiment at CERN is the latest to weigh in on the mass of the W boson—an elementary particle that, along with the Z ...
Quantum entanglement, an intriguing aspect of quantum physics, allows particles to remain interconnected regardless of ...
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will end its cooperation agreement with Moscow on December 1, the ...
CERN’s calculation of the W boson’s mass agrees with theory, contradicting a previous anomaly that had raised the possibility ...
今年早些时候,CERN宣布计划切断与俄罗斯的合作关系,不再延长现有的合作协议,该协议将于今年11月30日到期。今年3月,CERN媒体关系负责人表示,该中心内仍然与俄罗斯存在关联的科学家人数已不足500人,并补充说,一旦协议到期,他们都将无法在该中心继 ...
The West constantly makes the mistake of treating Russia as a western democracy that shares our values. CERN is just another vector for intelligence gathering and influence peddling for Russia. I'm ...
This time, physicists, including core UCLA researchers, have accurately measured the mass of the W boson — more precisely ...