phosphorus-32, have shown, however, that the phospholipids of the brain have a significant phosphorus turnover-rate 1,2, and the turnover is greater for cephalin than lecithin.
cephalin flocculation; and thymol turbidity. Of the 383 patients originally started on tolbutamide, 101 dropped out of the study for a variety of reasons not associated with drug response ...
The direct serum bilirubin was 0.2 mg., and the indirect 1.4 mg. per 100 ml. Cephalin flocculation was ++; a bromsulfalein test showed 8 per cent retention of the dye, and the prothrombin time was ...
Sesame seeds or til has two unique compounds called sesamin and sesamolin which have cholesterol lowering properties and prevent high blood pressure Cephalin, a phospholipid from sesame seeds has wide ...