Washington State University pathologists confirmed a rare case of plague in a mule deer found blind and emaciated in Idaho.
Pathologists at Washington State University have confirmed a rare case of the plague in a mule deer found in Idaho, according ...
Washington State University pathologists have confirmed a rare case of plague in a mule deer found blind and emaciated in ...
From a disease that humans had over 9,000 years ago to one that wiped out millions of people — these serious diseases still ...
It is now known that the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis has been present in Central and Northern Europe for more than 5,000 years. However, it is still uncertain whether it also led to pandemics ...
It comes after another human case in Oregon in February. Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which is often transmitted ...
PULLMAN, Wash. - Washington State University pathologists have identified a rare case of plague in a mule deer found in Idaho ...
Yet the highly infectious disease borne of the bacterium Yersinia pestis still persists. From 1,000 to 3,000 cases of plague are reported each year globally, 10 to 15 of them in the western United ...
Plague feels like a disease of the distant past but the cause, a bacterium called Yersinia pestis, was not identified until 1894 and it has never gone away. In the late 20th and early 21st Century ...
The pandemic from the Eurasian Steppe in the sixth century wreaked havoc in the final days of the Roman Empire. The outbreak ...
But what you're referring to in the 1340s, the black plague of Europe, which killed a third of Western Europe's population and was probably caused by Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of ...
在历史的长河中,疾病和灾难经常塑造着人类社会的进程。其中,14世纪中期的黑死病(也被称为鼠疫)被认为是欧洲历史上最具破坏性的大灾难之一。这场瘟疫不仅带来了无数的人间悲剧,而且对于整个社会、文化和宗教体系产生了深远的影响。 本文旨在浅析黑死病对于西欧基督教会的长远影响。基督教会作为中世纪欧洲最为重要和有影响力的宗教机构之一,无疑是瘟疫的受影响对象之一。在黑死病的爆发期间,基督教会在西欧社会中担负着精 ...