美国猪业博览会是目前世界最大的养猪专业展览会,于2025年6月在美国爱荷华州的得梅因举行举办的第三十届博览会有超过600家美国及全世界的著名公司参加这次博览会,近600家企业的展位吸引了来自60个国家和地区的约45,000名业内人士前来参观洽谈。展览 ...
The 2024 World Agrifood Innovation Conference will be held in Beijing and will feature an array of events and activities, ...
В Тбилисском выставочном центре "Экспо-Джорджия" в субботу открылась крупнейшая из когда-либо проводившихся в Грузии выставка-продажа китайской продукции "World Trade Expo Georgia 2024".
Over 60 robots from leading companies will be showcased, including humanoid and service robots. Features include ...
Our site uses cookies and other technologies to give you the best possible experience. By using this site you are consenting ...
The Third (Macao) China International High-Quality Consumption Exhibition officially opened in Macao. This year, the expo has ...
From September 25 to 29, the Third China (Macao) International High-Quality Consumption Expo and Hengqin World Bay Area Forum, co-hosted by Nanguang Group, the Ministry of Commerce's Bureau of Foreign ...
The 2024 World Agrifood Innovation Conference will be held in Beijing and will feature an array of events and activities, ...
Hangzhou Mayor Yao Gaoyuan affirmed that as the host of the third GDTE, Hangzhou is committed to delivering a spectacular ...
Huangpu hosts a forum on Tuesday focusing on the intersection of the metaverse and digital healthcare.