The MiG-31 Foxhound is one of the fastest fighter jets in the world These jets can hit speeds up to Mach 2.8, or roughly ...
MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/. The third flight data recorder that was in the tail section of the Tu-154 plane has been destroyed, a law enforcement source told TASS on Thursday. "A tape has been ...
MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. The flight data recorder of the Tu-154 plane of the Russian Defense Ministry that crashed in the Black Sea on Sunday has been pulled from the water, a law enforcement ...
The Su-57 Felon is the newest Sukhoi fighter to enter Russian military service and it is one of the newest fifth-generation ...
Separately, in 2010, the President of Poland was killed in a crash while onboard a Russian/Soviet-produced Tu-154 in Russia.
Russian investigators say the December crash of a Tu-154 airliner in the Black Sea, which killed 92 people, was most likely a case of pilot error. The military flight ...
1980年7月8日当地时间0时30分,苏联的哈萨克斯坦苏维埃社会主义共和国首府阿拉木图的阿拉木图国际机场笼罩在一片夜幕中,一架隶属于苏联民航阿拉木图航空队的图波列夫TU-154B型客机正在作起飞前的准备工作,准备执飞从阿拉木图国际机场经停罗斯托夫(位 ...
当飞机滑行至距离跑道尽头还剩400米的时候(第比利斯国际机场的13R/31L号跑道全长3000米),霍汉尼斯扬机长决定放弃起飞并立即收回了油门,但是由于之前已经达到了起飞的V1速度,区区400米的距离不足以让飞机在跑道范围内停下来,且机组没有第一时间 ...
Victims' remains were mixed up in 11 other coffins, investigators say. The crash of the Soviet-built Tu-154 jet killed 96 people - the worst such disaster for Poland since World War Two.
The AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) precision strike weapon, manufactured by Raytheon Company, is a 1,000-pound air-to-surface missile that can carry several different lethal packages.
格林尼治时间11月11日20时50分(北京时间11月12日4时50分)左右,一架从达吉斯坦飞往莫斯科的俄罗斯图-154客机被恐怖分子劫持,机上有10名机组人员和48 ...
Li Tu’s first-round U.S. Open match pitted him against one of tennis’s premier players. But it was only right before he took on Carlos Alcaraz on Tuesday night that he realized just how much ...