Triticale has a spike with one spikelet per node each containing several florets. The stems grow upright, have hollow internodes, and are smooth. Root system is fibrous. Triticale has a spike with one ...
This year's harvest is nearly three-quarters of the way through, but rain is going to slow things down. The provincial crop ...
Weeds are often not desirable in pastures for many reasons. Many weeds are less palatable to animals, weeds decrease rapidly in nutritive value as they mature, and some can be toxic if consumed in ...
SubmittedProducers were able to make significant harvest progress over the past week due to the lack of moisture. Currently, ...
Five farm families were honored with the 2024 Conservation Farm Family Awards at this year’s Farm Science Review. The ...
Rainfall over the last week caused some farmers a slight delay in harvest activity, but it's a welcome sight for areas that have been fairly dry. Crop Extension Specialist Tyce Masich says it's not ...
Rainfall across the province over the last week has halted this year’s harvest, but despite the delay, producers have ...
Allowing pastures two distinct post-grazing periods of “rest and then recovery” before livestock return increases root biomass, soil biology and pasture nutrient density. This is according ...
Farming in Saskatchewan Farming is so prolific in Saskatchewan that the province has been nicknamed the bread basket of ...
Question: I scouted my pastures the end of April. Plant heights are averaging 3 inches so I am holding off on grazing until they reach 6 to 8 inches as you recommended. I could not help but notice ...
The harvest in Saskatchewan advanced 13 points for the week ended Sept. 16, at 74 per cent complete, despite rain in some ...
Please read this section before submitting anything to Nature. This section explains Nature's editorial criteria, and how manuscripts are handled by our editors between submission and acceptance ...