Morgan's magnificent achievement made Welsh the only non-state language of Protestant Europe to be the medium of a published Bible within a century of the Reformation, a key factor in its ...
Devotion to traditional religion was intense in Wales in the half century before the Protestant Reformation. There was a great devotion to the cult of the Virgin Mary. Fine town churches were ...
A phrase used to designate a Christian faction during the Protestant Reformation that was considered more extreme in its beliefs and actions than the primary Protestant Reformers. Radical ...
The 440th anniversary of that memorable day when Martin Luther first posted his theses on the door of the church at Wittenberg and launched the Protestant Reformation is about to be observed.
The Reformers’ understanding of Church scripture over the Church; "priesthood of all believers"; the superiority of preaching (the word); apostolic succession as the sign of the Church? The sacraments ...
Three basic forces dominated sixteenth-century religious life. Two polarized groups, Protestant and Catholic reformers, were shaped by theological debates, over the nature of the church, salvation, ...
The Beijing Protestant Church is located at 181 Dongdanbei Street, at the former headquarters of the YMCCA set up by the American Protestant Church in1925. The two-story church, built in ...