Their revolt lasted for six years before it was finally defeated in 494 BC. The Persians then made an example of several of the Ionian cities by carrying off their inhabitants to Persia to be ...
She married the king of Halicarnassus in 500 BC, just prior to the Ionian Revolt that helped trigger the war between Greece and Persia. Her husband, whose name has been lost to history ...
Opposite the island was a mountain called Mycale. It had been at Mount Mycale that the Ionian leaders had held a last desperate council before the battle of Lade1, at the ancient meeting-place ...
The Ionian Revolt — financed by a Western union led by Athens that was threatened by the advance of the Persians — marked the start of the Greco‑Persian Wars, a world war that lasted for ten years.
This series provides texts and commentaries on works of Greek and Latin literature aimed primarily at undergraduate and graduate students of either language. Almost one hundred volumes have been ...
The North West Rebellion was a brief conflict on the Canadian prairies in spring of 1885. But its outcome had a lasting affect on a nation. Louis Riel watched the first battle of the North West ...
The seeds of the Rebellion were planted in the 1870s as Canada settled its vast North West Territories (present-day Saskatchewan and Alberta). The Canadian government had wisely brought peace and ...
The French Revolution proved a setback for the abolition movement as the British government cracked down on any form of radicalism. However, when news of the revolution spread to the French colony ...
Their findings highlight the complexities of governance, showing that it was not mere deprivation, but how seamen interpreted that deprivation, which stoked the grievances that motivated rebellion.
Since the first ziggurats rose in ancient Babylonia, the so-called forces of order, stability, and tradition have feared a revolt from below. Beginning with Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre ...
The Ionian Islands rise from the sea like emerald jewels set in a sapphire crown off Greece's western coast. This archipelago, known locally as Eptanisa ("Seven Islands"), comprises Corfu ...
Völkl's Revolt 114 is a high-performance powder ski to ski fast, go big, take chances, and have an absolute blast on. Völkl could have made another Revolt that shared the same character as the 121 and ...