Their revolt lasted for six years before it was finally defeated in 494 BC. The Persians then made an example of several of the Ionian cities by carrying off their inhabitants to Persia to be ...
The first Persian invasion was a response to Greek involvement in the Ionian Revolt, when the Eretrians and Athenians had sent a force to support the cities of Ionia in their attempt to overthrow ...
She married the king of Halicarnassus in 500 BC, just prior to the Ionian Revolt that helped trigger the war between Greece and Persia. Her husband, whose name has been lost to history ...
1. Ionian Revolt (499–493 BCE): The conflict began with the Ionian Revolt, where Greek city-states in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) rebelled against Persian rule. Mainland Greek cities like Athens ...
Miletus surrendered after that, and the Ionian Revolt ended. After the revolt, Persian policies significantly changed. Artaphernes called regular assemblies of heads of Ionian states to listen to the ...
A scene of conflict that was lost to the ages has been unearthed, assembling an indigenous perspective on events at the very ...
Athens sends troops to aid the Ionian islands but the Persians gradually gain the upper hand and the revolt crumbles. Histiaios, returned to lead the revolt, is executed in 493 BC. The end of the ...
The Ionian Revolt — financed by a Western union led by Athens that was threatened by the advance of the Persians — marked the start of the Greco‑Persian Wars, a world war that lasted for ten years.
Albania was a lonely outpost after Tito's revolt; Stalin's successors didn't ... two big aircraft carriers could take a position in the Ionian Sea or in the Gulf of Taranto; AWAC planes flying ...
Völkl's Revolt 114 is a high-performance powder ski to ski fast, go big, take chances, and have an absolute blast on. Völkl could have made another Revolt that shared the same character as the 121 and ...
Until 1678 (the year of the end of the anti-Spanish revolt and the signing of the Peace of Nijmegen , with which the city was reconquered by Spain ), the base of the bell tower housed precious ...
The Ionian and Aeolian regions did not strike the Persians as ... quite possibly being responsible for weakening the empire's hold on the rural districts The end of the revolt probably sees the ...