母亲领养弯弯时已经病重,难以行动,长期病恹恹躺在藤椅。她很疼爱弯弯,稍有精神就会抚着弯弯。半年后,母亲就走了,和母亲“相依为命”的弯弯是感受到主人已经离开她,有一段时间,她常自己静静窝在母亲的空房里想主人。母亲说很挂念BOYBOY(我那已经不在两年的 ...
With iOS 18, your iPhone's Messages app just gained a bunch of new features and abilities. We've round up five of our ...
Apple has finally released the iOS and iPadOS 18 updates, and while there is a slew of new features, here are four that you ...
Take a picture of the document or photo you want to scan by tapping the circle in the bottom center of the screen. You can also tap "Import" and select an image of a document from your photo library.
You'd be amazed at the things you didn't know your phone could do. Here are our favorite hidden Android features.
Sick of your Instagram handle or display name? You can change either (or both) of them in just a few easy steps!
WhatsApp has borrowed several features from Instagram over the past years. The WhatsApp Status functionality is inspired by ...
iOS 18 has a built-in Game Mode that Apple says “minimizes background activity to sustain consistently high frame rates.” You ...
北京时间9月26日,在美国亚特兰大举办的2024年客户体验全球峰会上,河北机场集团所辖石家庄正定国际机场(简称“石家庄机场”)荣获“亚太区旅客吞吐量500万人次—1500万人次量级最佳机场奖”。 这是石家庄机场第三次荣获“亚太区最佳机场”奖项,同时还获得了“亚太区最洁净机场”荣誉。 2024年上半年,石家庄机场ACI“最便捷机场”5项指标均为5分,在亚太区同量级机场中排名第一。航班靠桥率95.10 ...
Unlike text messages, there is no way to add a spoiler tag to an image that has already been sent. So you will need to apply the spoiler tag before sending an image. To add a spoiler warning to an ...
9月23日,全市县处级干部学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神研讨班在市委党校开班。市委书记张超超作专题辅导报告。他强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话和党的二十届三中全会精神,认真落实省委十届六次全会要求,按照市委十一届七次全会部署,聚焦事关战略全局和长远发展的要事、事关民生福祉的实事,找准落实的结合点,明确改革的发力点,以进一步全面深化改革为动力,加快建设现代化、国际化美丽省会城市。市委副书记、 ...
Apple's newest software update, iOS 18, is rolling out today to all iPhone users. While AI technology was heavily hyped as a ...