In 1987, physician and anthropologist Paul Farmer founded Partners in Health to treat tuberculosis and other infectious diseases among Haiti’s rural poor. Since that time, his organization has ...
Paul Farmer has been described by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Kidder as "a man who would cure the world." Founder of the Boston-based nonprofit group Partners In Health, Paul Farmer is ...
TED 'SQUARE' Kilmurray's story is so enmeshed with ... It was through football and achieving success that Kilmurray, like Farmer, became known. In Kilmurray's words, "doors opened up where before they ...
Joshua Cohen is a Boston-based writer who covers health policy. Yesterday marked two years since Paul Farmer's passing in Rwanda at the age of 62. Farmer, a physician-anthropologist, left behind a ...
Paul received his MD from Harvard Medical School and his PhD in anthropology from Harvard University. His years of academic training went far beyond libraries, classrooms and hospital clerkships.
Appreciation: The late public health pioneer Paul Farmer is remembered by his spiritual director as a model of love and compassion for all of humanity. She asks, "Really, is it any wonder that his ...
Read this passionate book by Paul Farmer and be impressed, once again, that tuberculosis is a great disease. It is both the result and the cause of great human misery. It has inspired great ...
Paul Farmer, read by various narrators. HighBridge Audio, unabridged, 11 CDs, 14 hrs., $39.95 ISBN 978-1-61174-424-8 A physician and former United Nations deputy special envoy, Paul Farmer shares ...
Podcasts > Technology > TED Radio Hour From NPR Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Host Manoush Zomorodi inspires us to learn more about ...
When Paul talks about his plan, he says that he would get rid of the payroll tax and that this would be a big tax cut for workers. He does not mention that much of this tax cut would be taken away ...
Author Sam Farmer talked about his experiences with autism and his book, A Long Walk Down a Winding Road: Small Steps, Challenges, and Triumphs Through an Autistic Lens, in an event at Newton Free ...