近日,一项研究通过全球最大规模的结直肠癌多组学数据分析,发现了多个与该疾病相关的关键基因,并在此基础上重构了结直肠癌分型。该研究于2024年8月7日发表在《自然》(Nature)杂志上,作者是来自瑞典乌普萨拉大学、华大生命科学研究院以及华大基因智惠医 ...
*仅供医学专业人士阅读参考许多癌症在转移时都有独特的“招牌动作”,比如肺癌脑转移、肠癌肝转移、乳腺癌骨转移等等,但要说哪种转移让奇点糕最难忘,那非胃癌的腹膜转移莫属:与平时提及的癌症远处转移不同,胃癌细胞往往被认为是直接“种植”到了腹膜,而腹膜转移患 ...
Researchers have identified thousands of genetic variants in a gene that could raise an individual's risk of ovarian and ...
Cognitive subtypes in CHR-P do not significantly differ in terms of functioning, rate of transition to psychosis, or symptoms.
Scientists have used computational tools, including machine learning, to differentiate between subtypes of rheumatoid ...
Researchers have discovered 2 leukemia stem cell subtypes with distinct epigenetic and transcriptional signatures. “Our study sets the stage to unlock new insights into the mechanisms governing ...
Investigators at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed the largest collection of sarcoma patient ...
IBCN annual meeting included a session on molecular subtyping in the 2024, featuring a presentation by Dr. Yves Allory ...
Black women in the US have a significantly higher risk of breast cancer mortality across all subtypes, with disparities ...
Pneumococcal bacteria are present in the normal microbiome of the nose of many children and adults. In certain circumstances, ...