Shou Zi Chew led Apple competitor Xiaomi through a blockbuster IPO. Now, he's leading TikTok as it navigates the threat of a ...
While China, a rapidly ageing society, braces for more deaths in the years to come, people could start to save even on life’s ...
美国立法者担心,由中国公司字节跳动拥有的视频共享平台 TikTok对国家安全构成威胁。美国总统乔·拜登签署了一项法律,要求 TikTok 在 1 月中旬之前出售给美国所有者,否则将面临在美国被禁止的风险。
What is shou sugi ban? Shou sugi ban is an ancient Japanese technique for waterproofing and preserving wood. It involves ...
在此背景下,TikTok的首席执行官周受资(Shou Zi ...
赫林的直觉是正确的。安东尼奥·格拉西亚斯帮助Vy Capital成功与马斯克的一家公司建立了首次合作关系——在SpaceX估值150亿美元时进行了一笔2000万美元的投资。Valor还投资了赫林的新网络安全初创公司Redacted。
Yahoo Singapore is featuring a curated selection of some of the biggest, most important, and fascinating news that's making ...
Scientists have learned how plants keep viruses from being passed to their offspring, a finding that could ensure healthier ...
Dragons trail American School In Japan after a quarter, but score last 25 points to improve to 3-0 in Division I.
The ability of mother plants to prevent the spread of viruses to most of their offspring has puzzled scientists for a century ...