近日,上海辰山植物园赵清研究组在《BMC Plant Biology》上发表题为“Characterization of the 2ODD genes of DOXC subfamily and its members involved in ...
第二部分有多种形式:⑴原植(动)物的属名(第二格),如:黄芩Radix Scutellariae(原植物Scutellaria baicalensis),牛黄Calculus Bovis(原动物Bostaurus domesticus);⑵原植(动)物的种名(第二格),如颠茄Herba Belladonnae(原植物Atropa belladonna);⑶兼用原植(动)物的属名和种 ...
Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is an herb from the mint family commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It's rich in nutrients, including antioxidants known as flavonoids that reduce the ...
What is the Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract ? The apperance is a light yellow powder obtained by extracting and drying Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi; The air is slight and the taste is bitter.
Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is an herb from the mint family commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It's rich in nutrients, including antioxidants known as flavonoids that reduce the ...
Why the sun gives you hyperpigmentation and what you can do about it - Leading dermatologists and celebrity facialists on how ...
柴银颗粒源于明代陶华所著《伤寒六书》中的柴葛解肌汤以及清代名医吴鞠通所著《温病条辨》中的银翘散[1],是由柴胡、金银花、黄芩、葛根、荆芥、青蒿、连翘、桔梗、苦杏仁、薄荷、鱼腥草11味中药组成的复方制剂[2],具有清热解毒、利咽止咳、退热抗炎 ...