近日,北京大学人民医院泌尿外科徐涛团队联合中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院和北京大学基础医学院,在Advanced Science在线发表题为“Novel CAR-T Cells Specifically Targeting SIA-CIgG ...
阿柏西普是由再生元与拜耳共同研发的全球首个完全人源化的融合蛋白。虽然比雷珠单抗晚上市约5年,但阿柏西普卓越的疗法及亲民的价格,短时间内就奠定了其全球AMD领域的绝对优势地位。阿柏西普上市第一年销售额就达到了8.38亿美元;2022年,阿柏西普销售额为 ...
吸入式肺靶向疗法治疗IPF的示意图 基于上述iLNP-HP08 LOOP 递送载体,研究人员进一步利用其负载编码IL-11单链抗体(scFv)mRNA得到scFv@iLNP-HP08 LOOP ,从而成功开发出一种mRNA介导的抗体吸入疗法。上述scFv@iLNP-HP08 LOOP 经振动网筛雾化器递送到小鼠肺部后,能够有效沉积 ...
一年一度的世界肺癌大会(WCLC)是肺癌领域的国际学术盛会。备受全球瞩目的WCLC ...
2024 年 9 月 11 日,复旦大学生命科学学院王鹏飞团队联合香港大学微生物系朱轩团队于知名期刊 Emerging Microbes & Infections 发表题为“ Bispecific Antibodies Provide Broad Neutralization of Emerging Beta-Coronaviruses by Targeting ACE2 and Viral ...
scFv programs have a POS of 0.71 for phase 1 to phase 2 and 0.5 for phase 2 to phase 3. These results indicate that, like Fabs and full-sized mAbs, proof of concept (phase 2 to phase 3 transition ...
FMC63, an IgG2a mouse monoclonal antibody, targets CD19. To date, a majority of the reported CART19 trials include the anti-CD19 scFv extracted from FMC63, such as both the FDA-approved CARs ...
In principle, DOTA-PRIT consists of three sequential administrations of three reagents: (i) the bi-specific Ab construct IgG-scFv (bsAb), which has high specificity and affinity for both a tumor ...
These toxins provide new tools for precision cancer medicine, bringing us closer to the elusive “magic bullet.” In addition, ...
Ainnocence Inc., a leader in AI-driven biotech solutions, is proud to announce the launch of CellulaAI™, an innovative AI ...