ROME – In a country still reeling from a deep clerical sexual abuse crisis, Pope Francis on Saturday bitterly acknowledged ...
The Irishman is the second Ratzinger Prize winner associated with Notre Dame. Jesuit Father Brian Daley, who taught in the ...
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has been a lead actor in every Catholic drama of the last 30 years, including three papacies and ...
For the first time, a sculptor and native of Japan will be awarded the Ratzinger Prize. His name is Etsurō Sotoo, born in ...
Catholics in the U.S. don’t vote as a bloc, and in this election cycle there has been considerable debate about whom ...
Where Western Christians have dropped their burden of belief, secularists are hard put to explain even why they should be ...
More than 40 million pilgrims from around the world have flocked to the small village named Medjugorje since 1981.
Respect Life Month asks that we stop and see life in order to better love it, live it, and protect it, writes Daniel Drain, ...
Thanks to Pope Francis’ heart of a shepherd, the pronouncement on one of the most wellknown and controversial Marian ...
IN a report on the alleged apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, the Holy See’s doctrinal office on Thursday ...
While it offers no definitive judgment on the supernatural authenticity of the alleged apparitions, the Vatican’s report ...
The world’s tallest statue of Christ was unveiled on 19 September, on Sibeabea Hill, North Sumatra, Indonesia. At 61 metres ...