Situating political theory as one of many disciplines that reinforce the cultural imperialism of colonial orders, the course will consider how postcolonial theorists have diagnosed this form of ...
Situating political theory as one of many disciplines that reinforce the cultural imperialism of colonial orders, the course will consider how postcolonial theorists have diagnosed this form of ...
A number of genealogical lines of influence are now being drawn connecting the work of the three figures most associated with the emergence of postcolonial theory – Homi Bhabha, Edward Said, and ...
An advanced introduction to theories of postcolonial ethics and identity, and their relationship to selected works of literature from a range of postcolonial contexts. The fourth number of the course ...
The Cambridge Companion to the Postcolonial Novel provides an engaging account of the postcolonial novel, from Joseph Conrad to Jean Rhys. Reflecting the development of postcolonial literary studies ...
This course is an introduction to the field of postcolonial theory, including some of the postmodern (i.e. poststructuralist) theories upon which it is based. Instead of a course on pure theory, this ...
This class will provide a feminist of color approach to postcolonial theory within visual and material culture. Specifically, we will begin with scholar Anne Anlin Cheng’s recent book Ornamentalism on ...
Recent postcolonial theory will provide a frame for textual analysis. The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it ...
7. Decolonization is a well defined term-of-art that comes out of an academic discipline called “postcolonial theory.” Post-colonial theory is one of the domains of critical social justice ...
In this hands-on graphic design specialization, you will explore basic graphic design elements, color theory, images, publication design, and techniques for creating effective layouts. You will also ...
As a cultural Marxist, Jameson asserts that all cultural texts are inherently political and shaped by the socio-economic conditions of their time. His famous dictum “Always historicize” reflects his ...
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory season 2, which premieres on October 17th, releases a teaser and new images. The season will ...