A false-color polarimetric image of sugar crystals floating in water. Look past the melty plastic bits, and your average 3D printer is just a handy 3-axis Cartesian motion platform. This makes ...
Researchers tested their metasurface and neural network by video-recording transparent "PSU" letters under different laser ...
Butterflies can see more of the world than humans, including more colors and the field oscillation direction, or polarization, of light. This special ability enables them to navigate with precision, ...
Devices used for night vision, machines that "see" and interpret visual information, need spectro-polarimetric imaging in the long-wave infrared. However, the current devices that use this technology ...
The 4 new X–band polarimetric radars will provide real-time data every 5 mins by detecting clouds which bring extreme rain, ...
For over 20 years, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) has been the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) leading astronomical instrument. Despite the name, the Very Large Telescope is not one ...
Chinese astronomers have conducted multi-frequency polarimetric observations of a quasar known as 1604+159. Results of the observational campaign, published August 13 on the pre-print server arXiv ...
Making sense of the data from WINDSAT, a passive microwave polarimetric radiometer that’s the main instrument that’s still working on the satellite, was another matter. Decoded with SatDump ...
India’s first short-range weather radar network, which will give forecasters high-resolution rainfall maps in real-time, has ...
宾夕法尼亚州立大学设计的编码超构表面,通过结合表现出强手性的超构原子,使所有偏振状态都具有不同的偏振响应,从而使每个超像素都具有不同的光谱和偏振响应。这与传统光谱仪中使用的窄带滤波器或光栅不同,在传统光谱仪中,波长信息被这些滤波器混合,然后必须在后处 ...