Massive, migrating dust clouds originating in the Sahara Desert are crucial to fostering life in the Atlantic Ocean as far ...
Microbes, after all, play enormously consequential roles in the world around us and within us—I should credit the trillions ...
What are some of the fascinating sea plants? They play an essential role in the marine ecosystem by providing food, shelter ...
Iron bound to dust from the Sahara blown westward over the Atlantic has properties that change with the distance traveled.
Iron carried in clouds of Saharan dust blown across the Atlantic Ocean is increasingly available to tiny life forms the further it travels.
A research consortium plans to revive geoengineering trials of the controversial iron fertilization technique to pull carbon ...
Iron contained in Saharan dust, blown across the Atlantic, is beneficial to ocean life and becomes more beneficial, the ...
Iron that binds to Saharan dust becomes more bioreactive the further it travels, helping marine life thousands of kilometres away.
Iron is a micronutrient indispensable for life, enabling processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, and DNA synthesis.
The Blue Carbon survey found that British seabeds store nearly three times as much carbon as forests, prompting ...
There has been public backlash against the controversial technique, known as ocean iron fertilisation, in the past. View on ...