Nature has been a source of constant inspiration for chemists, not only because of the enormous variety of chemical compounds that living organisms can produce, but also because of the ...
药材基源:为茄科植物番茄的新果实。 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Lycopersicon esculintum Mill.[Solanum lycopersicum L.] 采收和储藏:夏、秋季果实成熟时采收,洗净,鲜用。 【原形态】一年或多年生草本。植株高0.6-2m。全株被粘质腺毛。茎直立,易倒伏,触地则生根。
A combination of methods, including a new method for tagging genes, demonstrates that the chemosensory co-receptors of Drosophila melanogaster (Orco, IR8a, IR25a, IR76b) are expressed widely and ...
[and] different compounds enter the water at different rates based on their molecular weight." The first of these compounds to break down are the lighter, volatile compounds geraniol and ...
In addition, the results of the chord plot revealed that deoxyuridine (nucleotides) and uracil (organoheterocyclic compounds), which were significantly enriched in LS, were positively correlated with ...
Poly(ABMA) homopolymers were modified postpolymerization in (near-)quantitative conversions with phosphines to give stable iminophosphoranes and in a multicomponent reaction with phenylacetaldehyde ...
1 College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2 China Tobacco Hebei Industrial Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Introduction: In the fragrance and perfume ...
Mansfield, Sarah and Mills, Nicholas J. 2002. Host Egg Characteristics, Physiological Host Range, and Parasitism Following Inundative Releases ofTrichogramma platneri ...
Want maximum colour performance? This easy to apply non-drip formula contains rich colour-intense pigments which will leave your hair feeling glossy and silky soft. We advise, and it is stated on the ...
Want maximum colour performance? This easy to apply non-drip formula contains rich colour-intense pigments which will leave your hair feeling glossy and silky soft. We advise, and it is stated on the ...