This can happen when you start any type of HIV medication. Bone disease characterised by a decrease in bone mineral density and bone mass, resulting in an increased risk of fracture (a broken bone).
Low bone density can lead to osteoporosis and raise the risk for a fracture. For some, a broken bone can change their life. It can mean the difference between living independently and having to go ...
Lisa Cole, 52, from Bristol had broken bones in her forties, but did not link it with "brittle bone disease" until she eventually had a bone density scan. The Royal Osteoporosis Society said it is ...
For some years, surgeons have been able to treat broken bones through ... osteoporosis who may suffer a fracture. This was not an option before because the bones were so weak that the nails ...
And because osteoporosis typically doesn’t show ... Being underweight can also be a risk factor for broken bones. A study in The Spine Journal found a link between being below a normal weight ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) will diagnose broken bones under new NHS plans ... care centres to identify which of their patients has a fracture could potentially speed up diagnosis and reduce ...