9月28日,一架由比利时ASL航空执飞的3V811航班平稳降落在济南机场,标志着“济南-纽约-列日-济南”环球程航线正式开通运营。该航线是济南首次使用第五航权运营国际航班,也是我省第一条环球程洲际航班。第五航权也称第三国准入权,它能让一座城市变成国际 ...
Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film,” which carries the tagline “for Deaf, by Deaf,” stars Gideon Firl as the Messiah who, like all ...
Putting grant money into action is routine for Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear. But an effort to provide weather alerts to people ...
9月28日,一架由比利时ASL航空执飞的3V811航班平稳降落在济南机场,随着飞机缓缓穿过代表民航最高礼仪的“水门”,标志着“济南-纽约-列日-济南”环球程航线的正式运营,同时也是比利时ASL航空在济南运行的第1000班洲际全货机航班。该航线是济南首 ...
Special Olympics is honoring Albuquerque Sign Language Academy (ASLA). Special Olympics is awarding ASLA with a national ...
Should babies and toddlers learn to sign? Studies show it can can decrease frustration and increase self-esteem. CBS News New ...
作为欧洲最大、最知名的全货运航空公司之一,比利时ASL航空公司拥有各类货机160多架,在国内目前通航上海、济南、杭州、南昌等4个航点。得益于与比利时ASL航空公司的紧密合作,济南机场航空货运市场规模和格局正在逐步打开。依托济南机场智慧口岸建设,双方在 ...
Christine Sun Kim & Thomas Mader, ATTENTION, 2022, inflatable arms, partially polished stone, fans, electronics installation, ...
No one booty-shakes like Luke Bryan, right? Well, one American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter helping him perform a recent ...
清华大学学生手语社(Tsinghua University Student Sign Language ...
Brazil's mega music festival Rock in Rio has sign language interpreters on its screens around main stages for the first time ...