A series of hackathons are scheduled for later this year with the aim of encouraging organizations and developers to explore ...
If you work on developing digital IDs and interoperable global systems, you’re well aware that this field is rife with ...
Microservices architecture has revolutionized how modern applications are designed, providing greater flexibility, ...
Regular Security Audits: Conducting periodic security assessments will help identify and mitigate weaknesses in your API ...
JFrog 首席技术官兼联合创始人 Yoav Landman 表示:“ 开发者要想提高工作效率,就需要全面了解他们集成到软件中的代码和二进制文件的质量和安全性。我们与 GitHub 的合作使团队能够使用 Copilot ...
Secure software specialist JFrog is working with code development service GitHub to integrate the onboard capabilities of its ...
9月4日消息,据报道, 包括美团、淘宝、京东、小红书等头部应用在内的60多款鸿蒙原生应用均已支持华为账号一键登录, 覆盖便捷生活、社交通讯、购物比价、新闻阅读等领域,为用户带来更高效、更安全的登录体验。
Meta release delivers a consistent set of 25 quality APIs, to fuel innovation and downstream adoption, that have been vetted and tested through rigorous release management processes Released APIs ...
The Linux Foundation's CAMARA project, an open source community addressing telco industry API interoperability, today ...
中关村在线消息,JFrog与GitHub近期在JFrog年度用户大会上发布全新集成功能,通过持续深化的合作为开发者提供能够呈现项目状态和安全态势的综合视图,帮助他们快速解决公司高级安全产品发现的潜在漏洞。此外,为帮助开发者深入快速了解第三方软件包,双 ...