该书包括518处建筑的评估报告,包括阿勒颇古城堡(Citadel)和大清真寺(Omayyad Mosque),其中最知名的部分建筑的历史远溯至公元前2世纪。 书籍英文版系由教科文组织与“中东和北非濒危考古组织”(EAMENA,位于英国)合作制作,提供在线阅读。该出版物将为 ...
The funeral was held in Damascus's historic Omayyad mosque Hundreds of people have attended the funeral of the Sunni Muslim mufti of Syria's capital, Damascus, who was killed by a car bomb on ...
Speaking inside the Great Omayyad mosque in Damascus, he also said religious conviction was never a justification for violence. "For all the times that Muslims and Christians have offended one ...
Other excavations are mentioned at the Omayyad Palaces area, at Al-Khanqah Al-Salahiya in the north-east part of the Old City, as well as works outside the western wall of the Church of the Holy ...