The chemical element nitrogen (chemical symbol: N) occurs in several forms in our environment. N2, also known simply as ‘nitrogen’, is its best-known form. It is a colourless and odourless gas that ...
To balance an unbalanced equation, you need to add numbers to the left of one or more formulae. Here is one way to work out how to do this for the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen.
One common approach is to use a funny pick up line, which, though often cheesy, can be a great way to show off your playful ...
The function of many biologically active molecules requires the presence of carbon-nitrogen bonds in strategic ... to such bonds can be bypassed through chemical synthesis to synthesize natural ...
The tugboat's first sail on Sunday night is a milestone in a race to develop zero-emissions propulsion using renewable fuel, ...
Much of the world’s farming is currently supported by nitrogen-containing chemical fertilizers, but they are energy-intensive to produce and can lead to algal blooms when runoff pollutes ...
Once an icebreaker, the boat had fallen into disuse, making it the perfect candidate for transformation. They named it NH3 ...
Kozubková, M. Kozubek, E. Nevrlý, V. Bitala, P. Štěpánek, O. Dlabka, J. Vašinek, M. Bojko, M. Zelinger, Z. Kubát, P. and Grigorová, E. 2012. The Effect of ...
"Further investigation of this curious effect uncovered a new air lasing mechanism that facilitates radiative energy transfer from nitrogen to Ar." The new mechanism uncovered by Joshi and his ...
To know whether we are complying with emission treaties, all CO2 must be traceable. Incomplete bookkeeping recently sent ...