Centrus Energy, the owners of the American Centrifuge Facility in Piketon, Ohio, will address congressional leaders later ...
In May 2019, the Scioto Valley Local School District reported that enriched uranium was located inside, and that neptunium ...
Neptunium, an actinide metal, sits next to uranium in the periodic table with an atomic number of 93; almost self-evidently, its name derives from the planet beyond Uranus in the solar system ...
If HOPO 14-1 works, it would be another to add to the stockpile, offering protection against uranium and neptunium in addition to plutonium, americium and curium. There has not yet been a ...
Americium is gradually decaying to become another element 'called neptunium. 'Neptuniam atoms are much more stable. JON CHASE:'As more and more of the atoms become neptunium, 'the material becomes ...
Unlike natural uranium, the reprocessed uranium contained anthropogenic (man-made) radionuclides including the uranium isotope U-236, small amounts of transuranics (elements heavier than uranium, such ...
The extraction of the higher actinides for use in new fuels for advanced nuclear energy systems requires new chemical separations strategies that will extract higher actinides such as neptunium ...
A total of 25 transuranium elements have now been artificially synthesised, starting with neptunium element 93 and ending with the as yet unnamed element 118. This includes the most recently announced ...
(At least, Pluto was the ninth planet until it was stripped of its status in 2006.) Between those planets sits Neptune, and the gap between the two elements leaves a space for their relatively unsung ...
U-235 in this “fuel” released neutrons that struck U-238, converting some of it into U-239. The U-239 then decayed in a two-step process, first turning into neptunium-239 (Np-239) and subsequently ...
Scientists from The University of Manchester have managed to successfully make a transuranium complex where the central metal, here neptunium, forms a multiple bond to just one other element. Enabling ...
neptunium-237 and a selection of others. In true hacker fashion, he detected these with a gamma ray spectroscope he has in his spare bedroom, shielded from other sources with lead bricks and ...