No one is more professional than I. I am a noncommissioned officer, a leader of Soldiers. As a noncommissioned officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as "The ...
New professional development guidelines for noncommissioned officers (NCOs) who specialize in Army contracting are outlined in the recently released and revised version of the U.S. Army ...
Army Directive 2016-19 (Retaining a Quality Noncommissioned Officer Corps) includes changes the Bar to the Continued Service Program, the NCO Career Status Program, and Retention Control Point System.
共通の100周年を祝う中国と台湾 6月16日、頼総統は台湾南部の高雄市にある陸軍軍官学校(士官学校)で開かれた「黄埔軍官学校」創設100周年記念 ...
生前担任黑龙江省军区边防某团一营三连一班班长,一级士官。先后2次被评为“优秀士兵”,2008年被团评为“古驿精兵”,同年在军区组织的“五星连五环”奥运知识竞赛中获一等奖,2009年被 ...
(昭和21年改正前の恩給法第21条第1項) <参考> 軍人の階級 兵、下士官(伍長又は二等兵曹、軍曹又は一等兵曹、曹長又は上等兵曹)、准士官、少尉、中尉、大尉、少佐、中佐、大佐 ...
No one is more professional than I. I am a noncommissioned officer, a leader of Soldiers. As a noncommissioned officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as "The ...