Mycologia 91: 228-236 (1999). Estermann, E. F. & McLaren, A. D. Contribution of rhizoplane organisms to the total capacity of plants to utilize organic nutrients. Plant and Soil 15, 243-260 (1961).
1995. A simple technique for studying the development of Erysiphi pisi in the epidermis of Pisum sativum. Mycologia 87:138-139. 133. Singh UP, Prithiviraj B, and Dubey RS. 1993. Peronospora pisi spore ...
Mycologia 91: 228-236 (1999). Estermann, E. F. & McLaren, A. D. Contribution of rhizoplane organisms to the total capacity of plants to utilize organic nutrients. Plant and Soil 15, 243-260 (1961).