The Microsome This small particle is found in a fraction of living cells which have been broken up for biochemical investigation. It now seems to be a fragment of an intracellular system which ...
anti-LKM1 = antibodies to liver/kidney microsome type 1; AMA = antimitochondrial antibodies; IgG = serum immunoglobulin G level; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; ALT = alanine aminotransferase ...
Clinical symptoms vary according to the cause of ALF and the age of the child. [4–10] In the newborn, the clinical presentation depends on the etiology of neonatal liver failure. Presentation at ...
L’hépatite (du grec hépar: foie) désigne toute inflammation aiguë ou chronique du foie. Les formes les plus connues étant les formes virales (notées de A à G) et alcoolique. Mais l'hépatite peut aussi ...