研究者通过对哈尔滨工业大学45个房间进行连续七天的噪音测量, 发现舍友打鼾是影响大学生睡眠质量的重要因素,也是造成学生睡眠不足的重要原因之一 [18]。 而睡得好不好,又和学业表现有分不开的联系。
尽管微软的Azure并不是云服务领域的全球领导者,但它无疑可以被视为一个强有力的挑战者,有潜力推翻 亚马逊 (AMZN)的AWS ,因为MS Azure的市场份额自2018年第四季度的约15%以来一直在稳步增长,到2024年迄今将接近约24-25%。
JPMorgan恢复了对ZIM Integrated Shipping Services (NYSE: ZIM)的覆盖,给予该股票减持评级,目标价为10.50美元。 该投资公司对集装箱航运行业表示担忧,预计由于供过于求问题的再次出现将面临挑战。
Following a request from the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessed the 2022 post-market enviro nmental mo nitoring (PMEM) report on the cultivation of Cry1Ab-expressi ...
The event highlighted the vibrant diversity of international cultural exchanges, with the China Cultural Center in Malta featuring an eye-catching booth. The booth drew visitors to explore exquisite ...
MOSCOW, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Russian navy has launched its planned large-scale Ocean 2024 strategic exercises, which will run through Sept. 16, the country's defense ministry said in a statement ...