A new study reveals the surprisingly convergent evolution in the inner ear of mammals. An international research team led by ...
8月29日,南京医科大学生殖医学与子代健康全国重点实验室郑科教授、郭雪江教授,基础医学院神经生物学系林明焰副教授和中南大学谭跃球教授等课题组合作,在学术期刊《科学》(Science)在线发表了题为《哺乳动物精子发生RNA结合蛋白质的全景图谱》(The ...
2024年9月4日,中国科学院微生物研究所钱韦团队在PLoS Pathogens上发表了题为Stenotrophomonas maltophilia uses a c-di-GMP module to sense the mammalian body ...
中南大学基础医学院生殖与干细胞工程研究所为卢光琇教授所创建,前身为老一辈科学家卢惠霖教授所创立的人类生殖工程研究小组。研究所一直保持良好的学术传承,打造了一支高水平的科研临床与教学的学术团队。团队中有多人获得国家有突出贡献中青年科学专家、国务院政府特 ...
A new study reveals the surprisingly convergent evolution in the inner ear of mammals. An international research team led by ...
Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology o ...
“I used to work with E. coli for protein expression, but when you’re working with mammalian cells, it’s much more complex.” While bacterial cells may be faster to grow, the proteins ...
“Insect muscle tissue is almost exactly the same as mammalian muscle tissue,” Zack said. “So, if there were a way to get that ...
A team of Chinese scientists crafted a super intravital microscope that is capable of seeing clearly the entire ...
随着岁月的流逝,我们的肌肉逐渐失去了年轻时的活力,这一现象被称为肌肉老化。它不仅影响着我们的运动能力,还与多种慢性疾病(如2型糖尿病),有着密切的联系。肌肉,在全身代谢调节中扮演着核心角色,尤其是在葡萄糖代谢方面。 尽管科学家们仍在积极探 ...
This year's recipients have been recognised for their work on the HIV epidemic, GLP-1-based drugs, and how DNA can stimulate ...
值得一提的是,Ryan Flynn课题组近期再次联合Benjamin Garcia 课题组以及Daniel Bojar课题组在预印本bioRxiv发表了题为O-glycosylation contributes to mammalian glycoRNA biogenesis的文章,提供了RNA O-糖基化存在的证据【4】。这些发现不仅丰富了我们对RNA糖基化的理解,还为未来开发 ...