For the first time, a molecular mechanism is identified, for experimental acceleration and deceleration (rejuvenation) of sperm epigenetic aging.
During meiosis, sister chromatids produced by chromosome duplication are held together by Rec8, a meiosis-specific cohesion protein. Rec8 joins the whole length of the sister chromatids together ...
Mlh1 is classically used as a cytological marker of crossovers in several organisms such as mammals, where it forms foci on synapsed homologs, but given the conserved interaction between Mer3 and ...
How is the same process responsible for genetic recombination and diversity also the cause of aneuploidy? Understanding the steps of meiosis is essential to learning how errors occur. Researchers ...
Objective Effects of the diet-induced gut microbiota dysbiosis reach far beyond the gut. We aim to uncover the direct evidence involving the gut–testis axis in the aetiology of impaired ...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of milking hygiene practices, herd size, water hardness, and temperature-humidity index (THI) on the physicochemical and microbiological ...