Three different doses of Niktimvo all had high rates of response among patients with recurrent or refractory ...
自2013年以来,中法血液学学术会议已在中法两国轮流举办11届。未来,中法双方将持续致力于血液学领域重大问题与解决方案的研究,提高中法两国应对血液疾病挑战的科研学术能力,以更先进的诊疗技术为世界范围内更多血液疾病患者带来康复的希望。(津云新闻记者 ...
Chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains a rare and unacceptably debilitating autoimmune-like syndrome that afflicts patients in whom a blood disorder or cancer is otherwise cured by means ...
近日,全国第一张干细胞《药品生产许可证》核发的消息,在业内引发轰动。消息传出后,A股干细胞疗法概念股集体大涨,但短暂冲高后即齐齐跌落。根据北京药监局网站“行政许可信息”查询结果显示,铂生卓越生物科技(北京)有限公司(以下简称“铂生卓越”)成为首家获得 ...
WILMINGTON, Del. 和 WALTHAM, Mass. - Incyte (NASDAQ:INCY) 和 Syndax Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:SNDX) 今天宣布,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)最近批准了Niktimvo™(axatilimab-csfr)用于治疗体重至少40公斤的成人和儿童患者在两线系统治疗失败后的慢性移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)。这一宣布紧随 ...
Incyte (INCY) and Syndax Pharmaceuticals (SNDX) announced that results from the pivotal Phase 2 AGAVE-201 trial of ...
Panelists discuss how chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) differs from acute GVHD, its main challenges for patients, and its common symptoms and impact on daily life.
The FDA has approved Incyte's axatilimab as a treatment for chronic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), making it a companion to the company's Jakafi for the disorder. The US regulator has cleared ...
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Michigan and collaborating institutions have discovered that ...
US companies Incyte and Syndax Pharmaceuticals today announced results from the pivotal Phase II AGAVE-201 trial of Niktimvo (axatilimab-csfr), an anti-CSF-1R antibody, in adult and pediatric patients ...